Agentless TIBCO EMS Monitor: Nothing to deploy to managed servers!
Infrared360® is a lightweight yet very powerful TIBCO EMS monitor giving you ALL of the features (and many you’ve not yet seen) for monitoring your TIBCO EMS environment.
The Infrared360® Advantages and Features:
1. Provides Proactive TIBCO EMS Monitoring
This allows you to notify team members of impending problems in any monitored Tibco-EMS environment – as well as Web Services (REST/SOAP), Kafka, IBM-MQ, JBoss, WebSphere, Apache-Tomcat, and IBM Datapower.
2. Leverage Internal Integrations
Simple integration to other Services in your environment can be initiated in response to alerts. Whether simple notifications to 3rd party systems OR kicking off other processes via URL, SOAP, REST, Pub/Sub, even .SH
3. Associate Alerts to Lines of Business
Associate alerts to specific lines of business (add rule for time and or geography) so people in each line of business is notified only for their* issues.
4. Alerts Can Be Propagated to any 3rd Party Products
Propagate notifications to any 3rd Party system such as Service Now, Splunk, Openview, Jira, Remedy, in order to leverage current escalation and ticketing systems.
5. A Smart Solution That Leverages Self-Service
Leverage 100’s of users for your middleware environment – let them do what they do well, in a secure “trusted space”™.
6. Leverage Monitoring in non-prod environments.
LOB’s can do it for internal projects because monitoring works for the entire system of Dev Ops. Groups can see the results before production.
7. Self Service & Delegated Administration
Give users the ability to SEE and DO what you need them to and nothing more — allowing you to leverage their time and strengths.
8. Dynamic TIBCO EMS Administration
Automate responses to Alerts via Infrared360® Services. Alert values are passed to services so they can do the work for you!
9. Automate TIBCO EMS Administration
Automate redundant tasks via Infrared360® Services. Schedule services to do channels & queue administration or run scripts (EMS or Bat or Shell) for you!
Infrared360® is 100%
- J2EE Compliant
- IBM Ready for Linux
- IBM Ready for SOA
- IBM Ready for WebSphere

Collaborate on Integrated Middleware technologies, IIB, WMB, MQ, DataPower, Web Services, and more — in “1” place — so that each team or biz unit knows what is affecting them. Shared knowledge is a wonderful thing.
Monitor Much More Than Enterprise Messaging!
What are the feeders to your TIBCO EMS environment? What does your TIBCO EMS environment reach out to? Are these systems also running normal? Web Services? ESBs? App URLs?
Run Synthetic Transactions
Validate Queues, Routes, Bridges, Triggers, Applications, ESBs, and more by running Infrared360®s patent pending IR-Tester; synthetic messaging Service. Use real data, not ‘hello world’ to test your routes and applications.
Statistical Reporting – Charts
Collect and Report statistical information regarding your TIBCO EMS enterprise environment. Get short and long term Trend Charts or granular reports in PDF or XML formats. Use trend charts to easily locate peaks and valleys and abnormal traffic behaviors in your enterprise messaging environment.
Statistical Reporting – SLA Summary
Collect and Report statistical information regarding your TIBCO EMS enterprise environment. Infrared360®s patent pending EZ Reporting allows end users to aggregate and report traffic and usage of their enterprise messaging environment – without SQL knowledge. Summarize by HR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YTD and more!