MQ Certificate Management
Middleware & Integration Admins need complete visibility and control over their SSL environments to preempt security breaches, outages & compliance issues.
Managing your MQ Certificates can sometimes feel like a full time job involving a thorough knowledge of ikeyman & commands like strmgikm. Not to mention complications with things like creating & updating KDB key repository files.
Don’t stress, Infrared360® offers automated MQ SSL Certificate Renewal and Management as part of its complete Portal Offering.
Infrared360 manages CA & Self-Signed Certs
- Create Key Stores for MQ
- Create/Install Self Signed Certificates
- Request/Track new CA Signed Certificates
- One Click to apply renewed self-signed certificates
- Certificate expiry reports make it easy
- Schedule & manage replacing certificates
- Push and apply public certs to a group of Queue managers
- Push CA signer packages to a group of Queue managers