This way not modifying the original context, so they can still use their old bookmarks and go straight to: http(s)://host:port/Infrared360
To only use https and redirect from http port uncomment this in the web.xml
<web-resource-name>Protected Context</web-resource-name>
Here is the additional thing to do for allowing short URL names to redirect as well:
For the URL redirect issue you can do the following solution:
Edit conf/tomcat-server.xml and add the following line, right above the Context for Infrared360:
<Context docBase="/webapps/redirect" path="" reloadable="false"></Context>
Create the directory "redirect" under webapps and drop in this index.jsp file
Restart IR360
Now when someone connects to http(s)://host:port they will get redirected to: http(s)://host:port/Infrared360